五月吧论坛【 藕心文苑 】[ 海客看图 ] → 我想玩个高端的,用英文写,然后让AI给我翻译



  1楼 四褂中级  1164帖  2020/5/7 10:14:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:羲和 点击进入抢亲页面 点击进入五月兵器折羽剑 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云522-2 届 往哲是与 一念如初 若只如初遇 可遇不可囚 遇语还羞 七弦泠泠 一遇倾心 与子成说 亭亭遇立 弦遇知音 爱有所归 心有所属 情有所寄 随心所遇 妞
我想玩个高端的,用英文写,然后让AI给我翻译  发帖心情 Post By:2023/7/16 22:36:53 [显示全部帖子]


  2楼 四褂中级  1164帖  2020/5/7 10:14:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:羲和 点击进入抢亲页面 点击进入五月兵器折羽剑 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云522-2 届 往哲是与 一念如初 若只如初遇 可遇不可囚 遇语还羞 七弦泠泠 一遇倾心 与子成说 亭亭遇立 弦遇知音 爱有所归 心有所属 情有所寄 随心所遇 妞
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/7/16 22:40:47 [显示全部帖子]

Hey, I want to write a little story about time and space. But my English is not very well. Can you help me point out the mistakes?
Sure, I can help you with that. ?? Please send me your story and I will try to correct the grammar and spelling errors.
Thank you. I havn't start the writing.Just some ideas. We know that the speed of light is 299792458m/s. So when we look into the starts, we actually see its image it years ago. Would it make it possible we talk to someone long years ago?
You’re welcome. I have corrected some of the errors in your message. Here is the improved version:

Thank you. I haven’t started writing yet. Just some ideas. We know that the speed of light is 299792458 m/s. So when we look at the stars, we actually see their image from years ago. Would it make it possible to talk to someone from long years ago?

Yes, that's what I meant. Can we talk to someone from the past?

That’s an interesting question. I’m not sure if we can talk to someone from the past, but I found some articles that might help you explore this idea.

One article is about reconnecting with someone from your past who had a meaningful impact on your life, but you had a conflict or a rupture with them. It talks about the pros and cons of reaching out to them and how to deal with the emotions that might come up1.

Another article is about what it means if you’re thinking of someone from the past and what are some of the possible reasons for that. It also gives some tips on how to cope with these thoughts and move on if you need to2.

The last article is about talking about the past in English and how to use different verb tenses to express yourself clearly and accurately3.

I thinked about this question further. If someone was born in 300 years before, on a start that is light-year from earth. When the message recieve me , I think he is still alive.Since the image I get is 300 years before, at that time, he is alive. But it will take another 300 years for my message to reach him. And at that time, both he and I are dead.\

I see. That’s a very creative and imaginative scenario. I have corrected some of the errors in your message. Here is the improved version:

I thought about this question further. If someone was born 300 years ago, on a star that is light-years from Earth. When the message reaches me, I think he is still alive. Since the image I get is 300 years old, at that time, he is alive. But it will take another 300 years for my message to reach him. And at that time, both he and I are dead.

Let's continue the story. I hoped to find a way to talk to the sages in history. Since it takes time to deliver message, I might think he is still alive because of time difference. But he would never know me. So, I can hear from him. But we can't talk.

That’s a very intriguing story. I have corrected some of the errors in your message. Here is the improved version:

Let’s continue the story. I hoped to find a way to talk to the sages in history. Since it takes time to deliver a message, I might think he is still alive because of the time difference. But he would never know me. So, I can hear from him. But we can’t talk.

Yeah. That's I meant. We live on earth. Due to the Fiber optic technology, we can chat with others on Internet. Actually, it takes time for my message to reach him. But it is too short for me to realize that.

I see. I have corrected some of the errors in your message. Here is the improved version:

Yeah. That’s what I meant. We live on earth. Due to the fiber optic technology, we can chat with others on the internet. Actually, it takes time for my message to reach him. But it is too short for me to realize that.
[此贴子已经被作者于2023-7-16 22:41:34编辑过]

  3楼 四褂中级  1164帖  2020/5/7 10:14:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:羲和 点击进入抢亲页面 点击进入五月兵器折羽剑 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云522-2 届 往哲是与 一念如初 若只如初遇 可遇不可囚 遇语还羞 七弦泠泠 一遇倾心 与子成说 亭亭遇立 弦遇知音 爱有所归 心有所属 情有所寄 随心所遇 妞
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/7/16 22:42:42 [显示全部帖子]


  4楼 四褂中级  1164帖  2020/5/7 10:14:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:羲和 点击进入抢亲页面 点击进入五月兵器折羽剑 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云522-2 届 往哲是与 一念如初 若只如初遇 可遇不可囚 遇语还羞 七弦泠泠 一遇倾心 与子成说 亭亭遇立 弦遇知音 爱有所归 心有所属 情有所寄 随心所遇 妞
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/7/16 22:43:46 [显示全部帖子]


  5楼 四褂中级  1164帖  2020/5/7 10:14:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:羲和 点击进入抢亲页面 点击进入五月兵器折羽剑 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云522-2 届 往哲是与 一念如初 若只如初遇 可遇不可囚 遇语还羞 七弦泠泠 一遇倾心 与子成说 亭亭遇立 弦遇知音 爱有所归 心有所属 情有所寄 随心所遇 妞
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/7/18 10:58:36 [显示全部帖子]

以下是引用灯灯在2023-7-18 10:42:21的发言:

