五月吧论坛【 藕心文苑 】[ 天涯隔壁 ] → 【沧海一声笑】音为何物?



  1楼 海客  1747帖  2022/4/12 14:42:21 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:勇冠三军 点击进入抢亲页面狼埔机器人 点击进入五月兵器兵法二十四篇 今日帖数:今日1 帖 点击参与风云风云0-4 届 乖不了 纹籽乖 浅蓝心语 菜狗 波妞 宗介 古德猫宁 梵音七槃 既遇君子 云胡不喜 七色火之焚心赤焰
【沧海一声笑】音为何物?  发帖心情 Post By:2023/12/2 10:20:09 [只看该作者]




 一切都可以用数字来表示吗? 或者每个问题都可以用形式语言表达,并由自动机计算。


















 一首音乐传达了什么信息? 它是如何用通过语言表达和在宇宙中传播的?

如果我们知道颜色是由光的波长决定的,那么我们听到的音乐是由什么组成的呢? 是什么产生了声波呢?




[此贴子已经被作者于2023-12-2 15:41:26编辑过]

  2楼 海客  1747帖  2022/4/12 14:42:21 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:勇冠三军 点击进入抢亲页面狼埔机器人 点击进入五月兵器兵法二十四篇 今日帖数:今日1 帖 点击参与风云风云0-4 届 乖不了 纹籽乖 浅蓝心语 菜狗 波妞 宗介 古德猫宁 梵音七槃 既遇君子 云胡不喜 七色火之焚心赤焰
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/12/2 11:15:59 [只看该作者]

The story could trace back to the year 2014, when a friend in Shanghai suggest me to research on grammar and semantics.

The concept of "formal language" and "Finite Automata Machine" were brand new to me. Although I had 7 years’ education in theoretic math, I had never heard about the subject of logic and Computable questions, which ,in fact is an important branch of pure math.

The short talk inspired me a lot, I start to treat math theories and problems encountered in my previous studies as a whole knowledge graph. I want to find their relations.

Could everything be presented by numbers? Or could every question be expressed in formal language and calculated by an Automata Machine.

If we want to construct the whole outline of knowledge graph, what is needed to accomplish the construction?

To answer these questions, we must know more about our physical universe and abstract algebraic structures.

And, what can I do as an individual to accelerate this process?

When I told my friend these ideas, he estimated that I could classify questions and judge which type of question is solvable.

It's a prospective program if we can classify all existing questions and problems that might be raised in the future, but it require a lot of personal perseverance to achieve this goal.

Also, the process about how to range questions in order itself remained an unsolvable question to discover. According to Kurt G?del’s theory, there are question which we know its solvable but we can provide solution.

It sounds absurd, but it is strictly testified.

In that case, the global solution will not exist,why are we wasting time to sort question in order?

I'm confused on this, but I kept on exploring, on mathematic logic ,computable theory and Automata Machine.

Due to some personal issues, the exploring was stubbled.For several years, I was stayed in home.

In that period,I asked him a question, a very fundamental but meaningful question: if we want two big numbers, how will we do this caculation in computer language.

"The answer is simple, just find two digits big enough to store the numbers and their sum."

Yes, caculation is so simple, even when you need to deal with big data. All you need is enough area to store information and do caculation.

We have been taught skills to deal with all kind of complexed problems, but have you think of the basic concepts?

What is natrual number, why number can add and multiply?

And why understanding these elementary knowledge can help you understand more about the construction of this physics universe we are live in.

Let's track everything back to the beginning of its history?How math, physics, music, sound theory developed, and how we get abstract figures from these complexed system to do caculation?

What information does a music convey? how is it expressed in language and disseminate in universe?

If we understand colors comes are determined by The wavelength of light, what made up the music we hear. What generates the sound wave?

If every information including articles,figures,music,architecture is recorded in solid body like stones,wood,diode and so on.

Why can't we skip the study of music, and directly go to sound and wave theory, to see, what makes up different sound and which type of sound is music.

[此贴子已经被作者于2023-12-2 15:36:14编辑过]

  3楼 海客  1747帖  2022/4/12 14:42:21 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:勇冠三军 点击进入抢亲页面狼埔机器人 点击进入五月兵器兵法二十四篇 今日帖数:今日1 帖 点击参与风云风云0-4 届 乖不了 纹籽乖 浅蓝心语 菜狗 波妞 宗介 古德猫宁 梵音七槃 既遇君子 云胡不喜 七色火之焚心赤焰
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/12/2 15:41:59 [只看该作者]


  4楼 二褂初级  186帖  2023/9/1 11:37:07 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

1片金叶子 紫金城金主
点击进入抢亲页面霜肃 点击进入小小金库时间,是看不见的光线 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 蒹葭诗社纪念品 语音大大一段 语音大大二段 语音大大三段 语音大大四段 语音大大五段 语音大大六段 语音大大七段 语音大大八段 语音大大九段 语音大大天元 一笔繁华 似水流年纪念品二 七色火之焚心赤焰
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/12/29 10:34:29 [只看该作者]


  5楼 三褂高级  636帖  2022/9/13 17:28:51 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:一世浮生一刹那 点击进入抢亲页面远峤 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-5 届 风云情侣纪念品之伤心小箭 静胡沙 白云深处 素履之往 润物无声 侠骨丹心 浮生一梦 建坛二十周年纪念章创人数197纪念章 2024建坛20周年单日发贴创纪录纪念章 2024建坛二十周年庆纪念章 弹剑当歌 公子如玉 七色火之焚心赤焰
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/12/29 10:46:03 [只看该作者]

