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  301楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/5/31 22:44:13 [只看该作者]

├── src/
│   ├── main/
│   │   ├── java/
│   │   │   └── com/yourcompany/mathkg/
│   │   │       ├── concepts/
│   │   │       │   ├── AbstractConcept.java
│   │   │       │   ├── Group.java
│   │   │       │   └── Ring.java
│   │   │       ├── relationships/
│   │   │       │   ├── IsA.java
│   │   │       │   └── Uses.java
│   │   │       ├── msc/
│   │   │       │   ├── MscCode.java
│   │   │       │   └── MscSorter.java
│   │   │       └── graph/
│   │   │           ├── KnowledgeGraph.java
│   │   │           └── Node.java
│   │   └── resources/
│   │           ├── config.properties
│   │           └── data/
│   │               └── initial_concepts.json
│   └── test/
│       └── com/yourcompany/mathkg/
│           └── KnowledgeGraphTest.java
├── bin/
│   └── com/yourcompany/mathkg/
│       └── ... (compiled class files)
└── lib/
    └── ... (external libraries)

  302楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/5/31 22:49:37 [只看该作者]

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看有种github的库也被中文区污染的感觉,只能找AI代学了。效果是cpliot coding 好,所以要开OPEN AI会员吗。等我再拖拖,正式架构的时候开!立省时间

  303楼 二褂中级  234帖  2022/10/14 23:11:56 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:足行万里书万卷 点击进入抢亲页面公孙龙 点击进入五月兵器几何原本 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云465-5 届 如是我妖 如是我媚 如是我嗔 如是我狂 如是我颠 因风初苒苒 希声 月琅琅 叶小小 玉石满屋 琅孉 苏聍 豆蔻年华 红狐狸 小狐仙
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/5/31 22:51:25 [只看该作者]


  304楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/1 12:08:26 [只看该作者]

### 學習效率比較:GPT-4 與人腦

#### 複雜性與結構

1. **GPT-4(或類似的大型語言模型)**:
 - **參數**:數十億個參數(權重),代表人工神經元之間的連接強度。
 - **架構**:基於變壓器,其中包括多層注意力機制,允許模型專注於輸入文字的不同部分。
 - **訓練**:使用高效能運算叢集在大量資料集上進行訓練。訓練過程涉及對資料進行多次迭代以調整參數。
 - **資料**:需要大量標記資料集進行監督學習,或需要大型文字語料庫進行無監督學習。

2. **人腦**:
 - **神經元**:大約 860 億個神經元,每個神經元與數千個其他神經元相連,形成一個包含數萬億個突觸的複雜網絡。
 - **架構**:高度複雜且尚未完全理解。不同的大腦區域專門負責不同的功能,大腦以並行處理方式運作。
 - **學習**:涉及突觸可塑性,神經元之間的連接強度根據經驗和學習過程而變化。
 - **數據**:從各種輸入中學習,包括感官體驗、社交互動和內在反思。學習過程是連續的、適應性的。

#### 學習效率

1. **能源消耗**:
 - **GPT-4**:需要大量的運算資源和能量,特別是在訓練期間。訓練大型模型需要運行數天或數週的數千個 GPU 或 TPU。
 - **人腦**:極度節能,消耗約 20 瓦功率(相當於一個小燈泡)來執行各種認知任務。

2. **學習速度**:
 - **GPT-4**:一旦資料可用,就可以快速處理和學習大型資料集。然而,初始訓練需要很長時間。
 - **人腦**:在原始資料處理方面學習速度較慢,但能夠快速適應並從一些範例中即時學習。

3. **概括**:
 - **GPT-4**:可以在已訓練的數據範圍內很好地進行概括,但難以處理分佈外的數據,並且需要針對新任務進行重新訓練或微調。
 - **人腦**:擅長從有限的數據中進行概括,利用直覺和先驗知識來理解新情況。能夠跨不同領域轉移知識。

4. **適應性**:
 - **GPT-4**:需要重大更新和重新訓練,以適應訓練資料以外的新資訊或任務。
 - **人腦**:適應性強,能夠在一生中不斷學習新技能和資訊。

#### 複雜性與微妙性

1. **互連和並行處理**:
 - **GPT-4**:利用具有密集互連的神經元層,但缺乏人腦的複雜、多層互連和平行處理能力。
 - **人腦**:具有高度互連的網路和平行處理功能,可實現推理、情感和意識等複雜功能。

2. **認知功能**:
 - **GPT-4**:專門從事語言處理,能夠根據訓練資料中的模式理解和產生類似人類的文字。然而,它缺乏真正的理解、意識和情緒智商。
 - **人腦**:管理廣泛的認知功能,包括感覺處理、運動控制、情緒調節、社交互動和抽象思考。大腦的功能與其身體和情緒體驗緊密結合。

3. **可塑性**:
 - **GPT-4**:經過訓練後是靜態的,無需進一步訓練即可修改自身的能力有限。
 - **人腦**:具有高度可塑性,能夠在一生中透過形成新的神經連結來重組自身,適應傷害、學習和經驗。

### 結論

儘管 GPT-4 和類似模型在資料處理和模式識別方面非常強大,但它們在複雜性、效率和精細度方面與人腦仍然存在根本區別。人腦從最少的數據中學習、持續適應並以低能耗執行廣泛的認知功能的能力是當前人工智慧技術無法比擬的。 GPT-4 的功能是工程和廣泛計算資源的結果,而人腦代表了數百萬年的進化,從而形成了一個高效、適應性強且複雜的系統。

  305楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/1 12:08:42 [只看该作者]


  306楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/2 20:39:36 [只看该作者]

### Computational Theory and Its Influence on AI

#### Overview of Computational Theory

Computational theory, also known as the theory of computation, is a branch of computer science and mathematics that deals with how efficiently problems can be solved on a model of computation using algorithms. The core areas of computational theory include:

1. **Automata Theory**:
   - Studies abstract machines (automata) and the problems they can solve.
   - Examples include finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines.

2. **Computability Theory**:
   - Focuses on what problems can be solved by computers and what problems are unsolvable.
   - Central concept: Turing machines and the Church-Turing thesis, which posits that any computation that can be performed algorithmically can be performed by a Turing machine.

3. **Complexity Theory**:
   - Analyzes the resources (time, space) required to solve computational problems.
   - Key classes: P (problems solvable in polynomial time), NP (nondeterministic polynomial time), and NP-complete problems.

4. **Algorithm Theory**:
   - Studies the design and analysis of algorithms.
   - Emphasis on correctness, efficiency, and optimization.

#### Influence on AI

1. **Foundational Concepts**:
   - **Automata and Formal Languages**: Basis for understanding pattern recognition, lexical analysis, and syntactic parsing in natural language processing (NLP).
   - **Turing Machines**: Provide a model for understanding what can be computed, influencing the limits of AI capabilities.

2. **Complexity Analysis**:
   - **Algorithm Efficiency**: Essential for designing efficient AI algorithms that can handle large datasets and complex models.
   - **Feasibility**: Helps determine which AI problems are computationally feasible and which are intractable.

3. **Problem Solving and Search**:
   - **Search Algorithms**: Foundation for AI techniques in problem-solving, such as search trees in game playing (e.g., chess algorithms) and state space exploration in planning.
   - **Optimization Problems**: Central to machine learning, where algorithms like gradient descent optimize parameters to minimize error functions.

4. **Learning Theory**:
   - **Computational Learning Theory**: Studies the limits of what can be learned by computational models, including concepts like PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) learning.
   - **VC Dimension**: Used to understand the capacity of models to generalize from training data, influencing the design of machine learning algorithms.

5. **Formal Methods**:
   - **Logic and Reasoning**: Basis for AI systems that perform automated reasoning, including propositional and predicate logic.
   - **Verification**: Ensures the correctness of AI systems, particularly important in safety-critical applications.

#### Specific Influences on AI Fields

1. **Machine Learning**:
   - **Algorithm Development**: The design and analysis of algorithms in ML are grounded in computational theory, ensuring they are efficient and scalable.
   - **Generalization and Overfitting**: Concepts from computational learning theory guide how models generalize from data, balancing complexity and accuracy.

2. **Natural Language Processing (NLP)**:
   - **Parsing Techniques**: Automata theory and formal languages are used in syntactic parsing, a crucial component of NLP systems.
   - **Language Models**: Theoretical foundations support the development of models that understand and generate human language.

3. **Robotics**:
   - **Motion Planning**: Search algorithms and complexity analysis help in designing efficient algorithms for pathfinding and decision-making.
   - **Control Theory**: Integrates computational methods to ensure robust and optimal control of robotic systems.

4. **Computer Vision**:
   - **Pattern Recognition**: Automata theory and algorithms aid in developing methods for object recognition and image processing.
   - **Feature Extraction**: Theoretical frameworks guide the extraction and representation of features from visual data.

5. **Game Theory and Multi-Agent Systems**:
   - **Strategy Optimization**: Complexity theory helps in understanding and designing algorithms for optimal strategies in competitive environments.
   - **Equilibria**: Algorithms to find Nash equilibria and other solution concepts in multi-agent interactions.

### Conclusion

Computational theory provides the foundational principles and tools necessary for developing, analyzing, and understanding artificial intelligence systems. By offering insights into the capabilities and limitations of algorithms, computational theory guides the design of efficient, robust, and scalable AI models. Its influence spans across various AI fields, ensuring that the solutions developed are grounded in solid theoretical foundations, capable of addressing real-world challenges efficiently.

  307楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/2 20:42:05 [只看该作者]

The development of advanced AI systems like GPT-4 and Google's Gemini has had significant impacts on the field of computational theory, although it hasn't necessarily led to entirely new branches. Instead, these AI advancements have expanded and deepened existing areas, introducing new challenges and inspiring further theoretical exploration. Here's how these AI capabilities have influenced computational theory:

### Enhancements and Challenges in Existing Branches

1. **Complexity Theory**:
   - **Scalability**: The ability of models like GPT-4 to handle vast amounts of data and parameters has pushed the boundaries of what is computationally feasible, prompting deeper investigation into algorithmic efficiency and scalability.
   - **Resource Management**: Understanding and optimizing the computational resources (e.g., time, space, energy) required for training and deploying large-scale AI models is an ongoing area of research, influencing practical aspects of complexity theory.

2. **Learning Theory**:
   - **Generalization**: Advanced AI systems have brought attention to the limits of generalization from training data to unseen data. This has led to more refined theories around generalization bounds, sample complexity, and overfitting.
   - **Transfer Learning**: The success of transfer learning (reusing a pre-trained model on new tasks) has spurred theoretical studies on the underlying principles that enable transferability and adaptation in machine learning models.

3. **Algorithm Theory**:
   - **Optimization Algorithms**: The effectiveness of optimization techniques in training deep neural networks has driven advances in understanding convergence properties, robustness, and efficiency of algorithms like SGD, Adam, and their variants.
   - **Stochastic Processes**: The role of randomness in AI training processes, including stochastic gradient descent, has deepened the exploration of stochastic optimization and probabilistic algorithms.

4. **Automata Theory and Formal Languages**:
   - **Parsing and Language Models**: The capabilities of NLP models like GPT-4 have led to new interest in the computational limits of language understanding and generation, refining the theoretical understanding of formal languages and their processing.
   - **Contextual Understanding**: Advances in handling context and semantics in language models have implications for extending classical automata and formal language theories to capture more complex, context-dependent phenomena.

5. **Computability Theory**:
   - **Unsolvable Problems**: The practical limitations of AI highlight classical unsolvable problems and drive new research into identifying the boundaries of what AI can achieve, given certain computational constraints.
   - **Approximation**: The need to approximate solutions to intractable problems efficiently has spurred new insights into approximate algorithms and heuristics.

### New Directions and Interdisciplinary Influence

1. **Ethics and Fairness in Computation**:
   - The deployment of powerful AI systems has raised significant ethical and fairness concerns, prompting the development of theoretical frameworks to address bias, fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI algorithms.

2. **Interpretable AI**:
   - The complexity and opacity of deep learning models have led to a growing interest in interpretability and explainability. This has influenced computational theory by motivating the development of new models and methods that balance performance with interpretability.

3. **Quantum Computing**:
   - The potential intersection of AI and quantum computing is an emerging area of interest. The theoretical exploration of how quantum algorithms can enhance AI, and vice versa, is pushing the boundaries of both fields.

4. **Neuroscience and Cognitive Science**:
   - The success of AI models inspired by neural architectures has encouraged cross-disciplinary research between computational theory, neuroscience, and cognitive science, aiming to understand and simulate cognitive processes more effectively.

5. **Dynamic and Adaptive Systems**:
   - The adaptive capabilities of AI systems have inspired new theoretical work on dynamic systems and online learning, where algorithms continuously update and adapt to new data in real-time.

### Conclusion

While advanced AI systems like GPT-4 and Gemini have not created entirely new branches of computational theory, they have significantly influenced and enriched existing areas. These AI advancements have brought new challenges and opportunities, pushing theoretical boundaries and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. The result is a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of computation, learning, and optimization, which continues to evolve with the progress of AI technology.

  308楼 四褂高级  1527帖  2019/4/14 14:29:32 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:今作流泪泉 点击进入抢亲页面[队]相思泉 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-5 届 盛夏光年 秋声轻赋 薰风入弦 春风十里 莲叶何田田 七 水小七 濯缨 沧溟 青杳
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 15:31:51 [只看该作者]

Mathematicians discover and study algebraic structures like groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, and algebras through a combination of theoretical development, problem-solving, and application-driven research. Here is an overview of how these structures are found and developed:

### Historical Context and Theoretical Development

1. **Groups**:
   - **Origin**: The concept of groups emerged from studying the permutations of roots of polynomial equations. The work of évariste Galois in the early 19th century formalized group theory in the context of solving algebraic equations.
   - **Development**: Groups were later generalized to include abstract sets with a binary operation satisfying certain axioms. This led to the study of finite groups, Lie groups, and other specialized group structures.

2. **Rings**:
   - **Origin**: Rings arose from attempts to generalize number systems, such as the integers, and the study of polynomial rings. Richard Dedekind and others in the late 19th century formalized the concept of rings to understand ideal theory in algebraic number theory.
   - **Development**: Rings were further generalized to include non-commutative rings, division rings, and more complex structures like Noetherian and Artinian rings.

3. **Fields**:
   - **Origin**: Fields were developed from the need to understand solutions to polynomial equations and the properties of number systems that allow division. The work of mathematicians like Galois, who studied field extensions and automorphisms, was crucial.
   - **Development**: Field theory evolved to encompass algebraic and transcendental field extensions, finite fields, and applications in coding theory and cryptography.

4. **Modules**:
   - **Origin**: Modules generalize vector spaces by allowing scalars to come from a ring instead of a field. This concept arose from the study of linear algebra over rings and the need to understand solutions to systems of linear equations in more general settings.
   - **Development**: The theory of modules expanded to include concepts like free modules, projective modules, and injective modules, with applications in homological algebra and algebraic topology.

5. **Vector Spaces**:
   - **Origin**: Vector spaces were developed in the context of linear algebra to generalize Euclidean spaces and study linear transformations. The work of mathematicians like Hermann Grassmann and Giuseppe Peano in the 19th century was instrumental.
   - **Development**: Vector space theory matured with the study of infinite-dimensional spaces, Hilbert spaces, and applications in functional analysis and quantum mechanics.

6. **Algebras**:
   - **Origin**: Algebras, such as associative algebras and Lie algebras, emerged from the study of associative and non-associative binary operations. The work of William Rowan Hamilton on quaternions and Sophus Lie on Lie groups contributed significantly.
   - **Development**: The study of algebras expanded to include various structures like Banach algebras, C*-algebras, and their applications in representation theory and physics.

### Methods of Discovery

1. **Abstract Axiomatization**:
   - Mathematicians often start by defining a set of axioms that capture essential properties of a structure. For example, the axioms for groups (closure, associativity, identity, and inverses) define the group structure abstractly.
   - By studying the consequences of these axioms, mathematicians can uncover new properties and classify different types of structures.

2. **Construction and Examples**:
   - Specific examples and constructions play a crucial role. For instance, constructing the field of complex numbers, finite fields, or matrix rings helps illustrate and explore abstract concepts.
   - Examples from geometry, number theory, and other areas often motivate the definition of new algebraic structures.

3. **Generalization**:
   - Many algebraic structures are discovered by generalizing existing ones. For example, modules generalize vector spaces, and rings generalize fields by relaxing certain axioms.
   - This process involves identifying common properties and finding the minimal set of axioms that capture these properties.

4. **Problem Solving**:
   - Solving specific mathematical problems often leads to the discovery of new structures. For example, solving polynomial equations led to the development of field theory and Galois theory.
   - Algebraic structures often emerge as natural tools for solving problems in other areas of mathematics.

5. **Interdisciplinary Applications**:
   - Applications in physics, computer science, and engineering often drive the discovery and study of algebraic structures. For instance, the needs of quantum mechanics led to the development of operator algebras and vector spaces in Hilbert spaces.
   - Cryptography and coding theory have spurred advances in finite fields and group theory.

### Formalization and Classification

1. **Theorems and Proofs**:
   - Once a structure is defined, mathematicians prove theorems about its properties. For example, proving the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra involves understanding the structure of complex numbers.
   - Classification theorems, such as the classification of finite simple groups, provide comprehensive understandings of certain algebraic structures.

2. **Categorical Framework**:
   - The development of category theory provides a unifying framework to study algebraic structures. Categories, functors, and natural transformations help in understanding relationships between different structures.
   - This framework facilitates the transfer of concepts and results between different areas of mathematics.

3. **Research and Collaboration**:
   - Continuous research, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas among mathematicians drive the discovery and development of new algebraic structures.
   - Conferences, journals, and academic networks play a crucial role in disseminating new results and fostering collaboration.

By following these methods, mathematicians have built a rich and interconnected web of algebraic structures that form the foundation of modern algebra and have numerous applications in various fields.

  309楼 一褂高级  144帖  2023/11/7 22:47:48 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:笑鼠了 点击进入抢亲页面猫猫我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 团团圆圆 报团取暖 悠然自得 竹报平安 胸有成竹 转运 再见 洗白白 玩手机 睡觉 强身健体 溜了 快跑 就是玩 吃瓜中
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 15:37:33 [只看该作者]

我看英语有个问题 单个单词认识 连起来就会失去耐心

  310楼 一褂高级  144帖  2023/11/7 22:47:48 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:笑鼠了 点击进入抢亲页面猫猫我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 团团圆圆 报团取暖 悠然自得 竹报平安 胸有成竹 转运 再见 洗白白 玩手机 睡觉 强身健体 溜了 快跑 就是玩 吃瓜中
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 15:37:56 [只看该作者]


  311楼 二褂中级  234帖  2022/10/14 23:11:56 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:足行万里书万卷 点击进入抢亲页面公孙龙 点击进入五月兵器几何原本 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云465-5 届 如是我妖 如是我媚 如是我嗔 如是我狂 如是我颠 因风初苒苒 希声 月琅琅 叶小小 玉石满屋 琅孉 苏聍 豆蔻年华 红狐狸 小狐仙
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 21:59:00 [只看该作者]

以下是引用鼠鼠我呀在2024/6/3 15:37:56的发言:


  312楼 五褂初级  2235帖  2018/7/4 18:17:17 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:梦舒 点击进入抢亲页面幺幺 点击进入五月兵器承光 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-2 届 小蠢驴 吃好吃饱 小宝来了 水家族章 静胡沙 叫你拽 喵呜之恋 团大人 乖乖虎 狐之澈 無訫 無訫 慕容愁 悠然 莫失莫忘 创造者塔尔斯 奔跑者索尼克 一笔繁华 龙虾 章鱼 白云深处 素履之往 润物无声 侠骨丹心 浮生一梦
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 22:07:23 [只看该作者]

把GPT-4o的免费权限用完了,你甚至可以跟它打听Open AI 的内部架构。越到后面反应时间越长,大概是调用的参数更多了


  313楼 五褂初级  2235帖  2018/7/4 18:17:17 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:梦舒 点击进入抢亲页面幺幺 点击进入五月兵器承光 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-2 届 小蠢驴 吃好吃饱 小宝来了 水家族章 静胡沙 叫你拽 喵呜之恋 团大人 乖乖虎 狐之澈 無訫 無訫 慕容愁 悠然 莫失莫忘 创造者塔尔斯 奔跑者索尼克 一笔繁华 龙虾 章鱼 白云深处 素履之往 润物无声 侠骨丹心 浮生一梦
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 23:17:40 [只看该作者]

Open AI 的宫斗反转了,对Ilya印象反转了。其实,本质是一个哲学问题吧。如果大多数人的追求就是满足眼前低级的利益,享受多巴胺的快乐,少数人要不要叫醒他们,强制要求他们去追求更高级的使命。


  314楼 五褂初级  2235帖  2018/7/4 18:17:17 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:梦舒 点击进入抢亲页面幺幺 点击进入五月兵器承光 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-2 届 小蠢驴 吃好吃饱 小宝来了 水家族章 静胡沙 叫你拽 喵呜之恋 团大人 乖乖虎 狐之澈 無訫 無訫 慕容愁 悠然 莫失莫忘 创造者塔尔斯 奔跑者索尼克 一笔繁华 龙虾 章鱼 白云深处 素履之往 润物无声 侠骨丹心 浮生一梦
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 23:19:05 [只看该作者]



  315楼 腰牌  456帖  2023/5/25 20:49:38 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:怦然星动 点击进入抢亲页面陈词 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云524-2 届 毓 兰 竹 菊 莲 好气哦 风起 对白 西风错 落樱 豆蔻年华 匆匆那年 生如夏花 安然若怡 风起海蓝
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/3 23:52:49 [只看该作者]


