五月吧论坛【 藕心文苑 】[ 似水流年 ] → 【芦叶记】芳心未冷,且伴双卿



  361楼 五褂中级  2566帖  2019/3/12 13:49:57 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:文玩界小白 点击进入抢亲页面雲天驚懷 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-4 届 太阳升起 可离 卿卿可小离 白小宫 白若兰之抱琴 白小扇 白若兰之入画 清画兰妆 瑾色年华 宛若初见 颦锁深年 刹那芳华 清扬婉兮 琴瑟静好 世外仙姝 清歌流觞 浮生未歇 云鬓画颜 楚藻兰词 瑶草琪花 水珮风裳 槛外蒹葭 繁花朵朵 玉石满屋 月琅琅 叫你拽 流觞浅熏 好气哦 耗子阿姨呢 龙猫 对白 风起 喵呜之恋 若只如初遇 遇语还羞 沧溟 青杳 兔兔 顾家 不离不弃 花随风 得意了 不闹呢 出去看世界 弦遇知音 可遇不可囚 青丘蓝狐 火狐 白小狐 九尾狐狸 炸毛狐 莫失莫忘 提诗侧畔 叶清浅 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/10 16:21:44 [只看该作者]


  362楼 三褂初级  478帖  2024/4/28 18:57:24 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:躲猫猫了 点击进入抢亲页面鼠鼠我呀 今日帖数:今日2 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 耗子阿姨呢 龙猫 上学啦 挠妙妙 玩泥巴 不上学 躲猫猫 来抓我 挥挥手 不开心
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/10 19:06:25 [只看该作者]



  363楼 版主  2439帖  2019/5/4 12:30:14 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:相约似水流年 点击进入抢亲页面幸福 今日帖数:今日9 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 好气哦 落樱 西风错 对白 风起 豆蔻年华 匆匆那年 生如夏花 安然若怡 风起海蓝 开心对白 莲叶荷恬恬 蒹葭诗社纪念品
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/10 19:09:30 [只看该作者]


  364楼 海客  1310帖  2022/4/9 18:29:57 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

5片金叶子 紫金城金主
点击进入小小金库灯,等灯等登! 今日帖数:今日8 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 法术之曜 狼埔黑炭一段 风云回眸一笑一段 风云情侣一段 绣球二段 风云神通一段 风云一段之革命军中马前卒 风云烟花一段 风云虾帅帅一段 风云一挂一段 风云马甲版之金马奖 风云水王一段 七彩豆之护身黑豆 七彩豆之紫豆东来 七彩豆之相思红豆 七彩豆之幸运咖啡豆 蒹葭诗社纪念品 风云神通纪念品之青青白菜 风云纪念品之酒干倘卖无 风云情侣纪念品之伤心小箭 太极两仪八卦章 海客水杯纪念品 风云总结纪念品之回眸一笑 风云虾帅帅纪念品 风云哨米纪念品 音画活动纪念品 风云一挂纪念品
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/10 21:56:29 [只看该作者]

打赏啦!打赏啦!打赏此楼 359 楼作者 步月 金币 66 个!

  365楼 海客  1621帖  2022/4/12 14:42:21 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:破军十二号 点击进入抢亲页面狼埔机器人 点击进入五月兵器兵法二十四篇 今日帖数:今日13 帖 点击参与风云风云0-4 届 纹籽乖 乖不了 梵音七槃 云胡不喜 既遇君子 波妞 宗介 菜狗 古德猫宁 浅蓝心语
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/10 22:15:07 [只看该作者]

图片点击可在新窗口打开查看图片点击可在新窗口打开查看你们不要进来啊。~ ~

  366楼 三褂初级  478帖  2024/4/28 18:57:24 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:躲猫猫了 点击进入抢亲页面鼠鼠我呀 今日帖数:今日2 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 耗子阿姨呢 龙猫 上学啦 挠妙妙 玩泥巴 不上学 躲猫猫 来抓我 挥挥手 不开心
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/10 23:34:18 [只看该作者]



  367楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:24:43 [只看该作者]

### The Graph Brain Project & Big Mathematics

#### Overview
The Graph Brain Project is an innovative experiment aiming to transform mathematical research by leveraging automated discovery software, large-scale collaboration, and systematic investigation. The project focuses on using computational tools to generate conjectures, solve mathematical problems, and promote a collaborative approach similar to research labs in other sciences.

#### Key Concepts
1. **Automated Mathematical Discovery**:
   - The project utilizes software to generate invariant-relation and property-relation conjectures in various areas of mathematics. This software produces conjectures not implied by existing published theorems, pushing forward mathematical research.

2. **Large-Scale Collaboration**:
   - The project envisions forming research groups of various sizes to work on specific mathematical problems using automated tools, databases, and systematic approaches. This collaborative model aims to achieve more efficient and effective use of published research.

3. **Systematic Investigation**:
   - By coding many graph-theoretic concepts and graphs, the project investigates small open problems in graph theory. The modular nature of the experiment allows other researchers to supplement and build upon the initial code.

4. **Big Mathematics**:
   - This concept refers to large, systematic, collaborative research on significant mathematical problems. The idea is to combine skills, tools, and results systematically to make substantial progress in mathematical research.

#### Key Achievements and Goals
- **Conjecture Generation**:
  - The project demonstrates that automated programs can exhaustively generate and evaluate expressions formed from standard mathematical ingredients. These expressions can lead to new conjectures and theorems.

- **Collaboration and Network Effects**:
  - Researchers from different sub-fields can contribute and benefit from shared code and data, creating a multiplier effect. The aim is to build code-bases of mathematical knowledge that are easy to use and extend.

- **Historical Context and Motivation**:
  - The project draws inspiration from early work in computer science and AI, such as Turing's "Intelligent Machinery" and the development of automated theorem proving in the 1950s. The goal is to build on this foundation to enhance modern mathematical research.

#### Case Study: Independence Number of Graphs
- **Independence Number**:
  - The independence number (or stability number) of a graph is the largest set of vertices with no edges between them. It is a central concept in graph theory, linked to problems like the P vs. NP question and Hadwiger’s Conjecture.

- **Bounds and Conjectures**:
  - The project has generated new conjectured bounds for the independence number of a graph, not implied by existing bounds. These conjectures are tested and either proved or disproved, leading to new mathematical knowledge.

#### Future Directions
- **Expansion of Research**:
  - The project plans to expand its scope by incorporating more invariants, objects, and properties into the conjecturing program. The goal is to systematically use theoretical knowledge to generate new conjectures that push the boundaries of current mathematical research.

- **Building a Collaborative Infrastructure**:
  - By creating a collaborative infrastructure, the project aims to facilitate large-scale mathematical research, involving coding, conjecture generation, testing, and proving.

For detailed insights and more information, you can access the full document: [The Graph Brain Project & Big Mathematics](http://www.people.vcu.edu/~clarson/AC7-GBP-171019.pdf). 

If you need further analysis or have specific questions about the project, please let me know!

  368楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:26:39 [只看该作者]

### The Graph Brain Project & Big Mathematics

#### Project Overview
The Graph Brain Project is an ambitious initiative focused on revolutionizing mathematical research through automation, large-scale collaboration, and systematic investigation. The project leverages automated discovery software to generate conjectures and solve mathematical problems, advocating for a collaborative approach akin to research labs in other scientific disciplines.

#### Key Components and Objectives
1. **Automated Discovery Software**:
   - The software used in the project is designed to generate invariant-relation and property-relation conjectures across various mathematical fields. It aims to produce conjectures that are not implied by existing theorems, thereby advancing mathematical knowledge.

2. **Large-Scale Collaboration**:
   - The project promotes forming research groups to tackle specific mathematical problems. These groups utilize automated tools, databases, and systematic approaches to enhance research efficiency and effectiveness.

3. **Systematic Research**:
   - By coding numerous graph-theoretic concepts and graphs, the project investigates open problems in graph theory. The modular nature of the experiment allows other researchers to build upon and expand the initial work.

4. **Big Mathematics**:
   - This concept involves large, systematic, collaborative research on significant mathematical problems. The aim is to combine collective skills, tools, and results to achieve substantial progress in mathematics.

#### Key Achievements and Goals
- **Conjecture Generation**:
  - Automated programs in the project generate and evaluate mathematical expressions, leading to new conjectures and theorems. This approach leverages computational power to exhaustively explore possible conjectures.

- **Collaboration and Network Effects**:
  - Researchers from different mathematical sub-fields contribute to and benefit from shared code and data, creating a multiplier effect. The project aims to build extensive code-bases of mathematical knowledge that are easy to use and extend.

- **Historical Context and Motivation**:
  - The project draws inspiration from early computer science and AI work, including Turing's ideas on "Intelligent Machinery" and the development of automated theorem proving. It aims to build on this foundation to enhance modern mathematical research.

#### Case Study: Independence Number of Graphs
- **Independence Number**:
  - The independence number (stability number) of a graph is the largest set of vertices with no edges between them. This concept is central to graph theory and relates to major problems like the P vs. NP question and Hadwiger’s Conjecture.

- **Bounds and Conjectures**:
  - The project has generated new bounds for the independence number of a graph. These conjectures are tested, leading to either proofs or counterexamples, thus advancing mathematical knowledge.

### Academies and Institutions Involved
#### Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
- **Primary Institution**:
  - The project is spearheaded by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University. The team is supported by various grants and funding programs, including the Simons Foundation Mathematics and Physical Sciences–Collaboration Grants for Mathematicians Award and VCU’s Presidential Research Inception Program (PRIP).

#### Key Researchers and Contributors
- **Core Team**:
  - R. Barden, N. Bushaw, C. Callison, A. Fernandez, B. Harris, I. Holden, C. E. Larson, D. Muncy, C. O’Shea, J. Shive, J. Raines, P. Rana, N. Van Cleemput, B. Ward, and N. Wilcox-Cook.

### Future Directions and Expansion
- **Expansion of Research**:
  - The project plans to incorporate more invariants, objects, and properties into the conjecturing program. The goal is to systematically use theoretical knowledge to generate new conjectures that push the boundaries of current mathematical research.

- **Building Collaborative Infrastructure**:
  - The project aims to create a robust infrastructure to facilitate large-scale mathematical research. This includes coding, conjecture generation, testing, and proving, all conducted collaboratively.

For further details and insights, you can access the full document: [The Graph Brain Project & Big Mathematics](http://www.people.vcu.edu/~clarson/AC7-GBP-171019.pdf).

If you have any specific questions or need more information, feel free to ask!

  369楼 三褂高级  732帖  2024/4/28 14:10:05 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:炒狐了 点击进入抢亲页面焚天 今日帖数:今日52 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 建坛十六周年纪念章
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:43:39 [只看该作者]


  370楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:48:08 [只看该作者]

以下是引用狐狐我呀在2024/6/13 16:43:39的发言:


  371楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:48:47 [只看该作者]

Sure, here are some of the main theorems in computability theory and complexity theory:

**Computability Theory:**
1. **Church-Turing Thesis**: This is not a theorem but a hypothesis which states that a function on the natural numbers is computable by a human being following an algorithm, ignoring resource limitations, if and only if it is computable by a Turing machine1.
2. **Halting Problem**: This theorem states that there is no general algorithm that can correctly determine whether arbitrary programs halt1.
3. **Rice's Theorem**: This theorem states that all non-trivial, semantic properties of programs are undecidable1.
4. **Recursion Theorem**: This theorem states that a Turing machine can effectively "make a copy" of its own description, allowing it to pass that description on to other Turing machines2.

**Complexity Theory:**
1. **Time Hierarchy Theorem**: This theorem formally states that given more time, a Turing machine can solve more problems?.
2. **Space Hierarchy Theorem**: Similar to the Time Hierarchy Theorem, this theorem states that given more space, a Turing machine can solve more problems?.
3. **P vs NP Problem**: This is an open problem in complexity theory. It asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer?.
4. **Cook-Levin Theorem**: This theorem states that the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) is NP-complete, meaning it is in NP and all problems in NP can be reduced to it in polynomial time?.
5. **Savitch’s Theorem**: This theorem provides an upper bound for the space complexity of non-deterministic Turing machines?.

These theorems form the foundation of our understanding of what can and cannot be computed, and how efficiently these computations can be performed. Please let me know if you need more information on any of these topics!

  372楼 三褂高级  732帖  2024/4/28 14:10:05 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:炒狐了 点击进入抢亲页面焚天 今日帖数:今日52 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 建坛十六周年纪念章
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:50:33 [只看该作者]

以下是引用獾獾我呀在2024/6/13 16:48:08的发言:




  373楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:50:35 [只看该作者]

Absolutely, the study of theoretical computation theory has profound implications for the advancement of computer science. Here are a few ways how:

1. **Understanding Limits**: Theoretical computation helps us understand the limits of what can and cannot be computed. This understanding is crucial because it helps us avoid pursuing solutions to problems that are proven to be non-computable.

2. **Algorithmic Efficiency**: The study of complexity theory, a subset of computation theory, allows us to understand the efficiency of algorithms. This understanding can lead to the development of more efficient algorithms, which can solve problems faster or using less resources.

3. **Problem Classification**: Computation theory helps in classifying problems based on their complexity. This classification (P, NP, NP-complete, etc.) helps in understanding the inherent difficulty of problems and guides us in seeking appropriate solutions.

4. **Cryptography and Security**: Many modern cryptographic systems are based on computational hardness assumptions that come from complexity theory. Understanding these theories is fundamental to building secure cryptographic systems.

5. **Quantum Computing**: Theoretical computer science is also essential in the development of quantum computing. Concepts like quantum bits (qubits) and quantum gates are deeply rooted in theoretical computation.

6. **Software Verification**: Theoretical computation theory also plays a role in software verification, where we want to prove that a program behaves as expected. Concepts from computation theory can help in creating methods to formally verify software.

In summary, theoretical computation theory forms the bedrock of computer science. It provides the fundamental principles that guide the design of algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and even hardware architectures. It's an essential field of study for anyone looking to deeply understand and contribute to the field of computer science.

  374楼 二褂初级  199帖  2024/5/27 22:59:25 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:与獾郎 点击进入抢亲页面狗狗我呀 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 是谁的心啊 歌灯 遇到喜欢的人啦 皮一下很开心 奔向幸福吧
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 16:50:57 [只看该作者]

以下是引用狐狐我呀在2024/6/13 16:50:33的发言:




  375楼 三褂高级  732帖  2024/4/28 14:10:05 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:炒狐了 点击进入抢亲页面焚天 今日帖数:今日52 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 建坛十六周年纪念章
  发帖心情 Post By:2024/6/13 17:16:40 [只看该作者]

以下是引用獾獾我呀在2024/6/13 16:50:57的发言:



