五月吧论坛【 藕心文苑 】[ 天涯隔壁 ] → 【原谅过去我们不懂】未闻嘉名(I haven't heard of your new story)


主题:【原谅过去我们不懂】未闻嘉名(I haven't heard of your new story)

  1楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
【原谅过去我们不懂】未闻嘉名(I haven't heard of your new story)  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 18:51:53 [只看该作者]

陶哲是一位生活在中国古代宗族王朝的杰出经济学家和社会改革家。 他是中国历史上两位最受尊敬的人物陶侃和陶渊明的后裔。

陶哲出生在一个富裕的特权家庭,但他对家族王朝的不公正现象深感不安。 他看到氏族家族如何剥削下层阶级,并通过土地兼并和暴力维持权力。

陶哲决定将自己的一生奉献给改善平民的生活。 他研究了经济学和社会哲学,并发展了一套创建更加公正和公平的社会的理论。

陶哲的理论对于他的时代来说是革命性的。 他主张土地改革、平等税收和普及教育。 他还认为,官府应该在调节经济和保护工人权利方面发挥作用。

陶哲的想法遭到了士族的敌视。 他们认为他是对他们权力和特权的威胁。 他们试图通过威胁、恐吓手段让陶哲闭嘴,但陶哲拒绝噤声。

陶哲二十岁出头,就被任命为四川省永嘉市的知府。 他利用职务之便实施经济和社会改革。 他废除了旧的税收制度,代之以基于收入的新制度。 他还投资公共工程项目和教育。

陶哲的改革是成功的。 永嘉经济快速发展,人民生活水平显着提高。 然而,陶哲的成功,也让他成为了士族的攻击目标。

1070年,陶哲被家族特务刺杀。 他当时只有35岁。

陶哲的去世是一场悲剧,但他的遗产永垂不朽。 他的经济和社会理论不断激励着人们,最终导致了氏族王朝的垮台。

陶哲被誉为中国历史上最伟大的经济学家和社会改革家之一。 他一生致力于争取正义和平等,也为自己的信仰付出了最终的代价。


陶哲的儿子陶宇是一个无忧无虑、爱冒险的年轻人。 他是听着父亲讲述氏族王朝不公的故事长大的,立志要为父亲报仇。

陶哲被刺杀后,陶宇聚集了一群黑帮和志同道合的人,组成了一个秘密社团。 他们自称为“陶哲之子”,发誓要推翻氏族王朝,创造一个更加公正公平的社会。

陶哲之子开始进行一些小规模的破坏和抵抗活动。 他们袭击了氏族商队,烧毁了他们的仓库,并从地牢中救出了囚犯。 随着他们的人数增加,战术也变得更加复杂,他们开始发起更大规模、更大胆的攻击。

士族最初对陶哲之子不屑一顾,但随着该组织的攻击变得更加成功,他们开始认真对待他们。 族长们悬赏要索取陶宇的人头,但他总是比追捕者先一步。

有一天,陶宇和他的手下伏击了一支运送物资和兵器的族队商队。 他们击败了族群守卫并夺取了宝藏。 陶宇随后用这些黄金为他的军队购买兵器和物资。

凭借新发现的资源,陶宇对氏族据点发起了一系列的攻击。 他占领了数个城镇,他的军队随着每次胜利而壮大。

现在,族人都对陶宇和他的陶哲之子感到恐惧。 他们意识到王朝有崩溃的危险,争先恐后地发起反击。

族军集结,行军与陶宇军决战。 两军在广阔的平原上交锋,激战连日。 最终,陶宇死亡,士族继续统治。


肖越山是一位才华横溢的年轻人,对机械充满热情。 他是陶哲的学生,帮助他的老师发展了他的经济理论。

肖越山知道陶哲的作品很重要,他决心保护他们免受士族的侵害。 他聚集了一批忠实的追随者,并在山中建立了一个秘密藏身之处。

肖越山利用自己的机械知识,为藏身处搭建了各种陷阱和防御设施。 他还开发了一系列巧妙的机器来保护陶哲的作品和数据。

士族迫切希望得到陶哲的作品,他们派遣了几支突袭小队前往藏身处。 但肖越山等人却始终领先他们一步。 他们击退了每一次攻击,陶哲的作品依然安全。

有一天,一支庞大的族军包围了藏身处。 肖越山知道,自己等人不可能永远挡住他们。 他制定了一个计划来拯救陶哲的作品。

肖越山修建了一系列栈道,从藏身处通向附近的一条河流。 他把陶哲的作品装上船,顺流而下安全地带。

随后肖越山等人与族军殊死搏斗。 他们都被杀了,但他们却成功地拯救了陶哲的作品。


孙翎是陶哲的养女。 她是一位聪明的年轻女性,从父亲那里学到了很多数学和经济学知识。

陶哲被刺杀后,孙翎被苏州的一个世家收留。 家族同情陶哲的事业,并保护孙翎免受其他士族的侵害。

孙翎继续研究陶哲的著作,最终成为陶哲经济理论的主要专家之一。 她用自己的知识帮助苏州世家发展事业,让苏州市更加繁荣。

孙翎还将陶哲的理论传授给其他人,并帮助他的思想在中国传播。 在她的努力下,陶哲的经济理论被广泛接受,并为中国经济的发展发挥了重要作用。






























[此贴子已经被作者于2023-11-13 22:58:26编辑过]

  2楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 18:58:02 [只看该作者]

















































































































































[此贴子已经被作者于2023-11-13 19:36:32编辑过]

  3楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 19:04:59 [只看该作者]

[此贴子已经被作者于2023-11-13 19:34:05编辑过]

  4楼 一褂初级  12帖  2023/10/28 10:37:20 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 19:11:09 [只看该作者]


  5楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 19:26:05 [只看该作者]

以下是引用清铄在2023-11-13 19:11:09的发言:


  6楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 19:31:23 [只看该作者]


  7楼 一褂初级  12帖  2023/10/28 10:37:20 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 20:57:48 [只看该作者]

以下是引用在2023-11-13 19:26:05的发言:


灵动就是,原本错误的代码,出现在了错误的位置上,却能够被人理解。 比如:你美得就像一朵盛开的山茶花,她美得像夜空中那一抹新月。所以,我白天爱着你,夜里却想着她。 这类不知所云的句子,AI就写不出这样的句子。AI现阶段应该还处于力求精确表达的阶段。

  8楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 22:56:22 [只看该作者]

Tao Zhe was a brilliant economist and social reformer who lived in ancient China during the Dong Jin dynasty, when the country was led by empire and the clans. He was a descendant of Tao Kan and Tao Yuanming, two of the most respected figures in Chinese history.


Tao Zhe was born into a wealthy and privileged family, but he was deeply disturbed by the injustices of the Clan dynasty. He saw how the Clan families exploited the lower classes and maintained their power through corruption and violence.


Tao Zhe decided to dedicate his life to improving the lives of the common people. He studied economics and social philosophy, and he developed a set of theories for creating a more just and equitable society.


Tao Zhe's theories were revolutionary for his time. He advocated for land reform, equal taxation, and universal education.


In his early twenties, Tao Zhe was appointed as the governor of Yongjia, a small city in Sichuan province. He used his position to implement his economic and social reforms. He tried to abolish the old tax system and replaced it with a new system that was based on income.

However, Tao Zhe's ideas were met with hostility from the Clan families. They saw him as a threat to their power and privilege and rejected his ideals and social reform in Yongjia.


They tried to silence him through threats and intimidation, but Tao Zhe refused to be silenced.

He opened a old-fashioned school to teach government finance, agriculture and accounting.


Although Tao Zhe's reforms were not successful. The economy of Yongjia grew rapidly because of his ideas and invention of agriculture tools. The standard of living of the people improved dramatically.


However, Tao Zhe's success also made him a target of the Clan families.In 1070, Tao Zhe was assassinated by agents of the Clan families. He was only 35 years old.


Tao Zhe's death was a tragedy, but his legacy lived on. His economic and social theories continued to inspire people, and they eventually led to the downfall of the Clan dynasty.


And his accessors continued to fight against the Clan Dynasty.


Tao Yu


Tao Yu, Taozhe's son, was a carefree and adventurous young man. He grew up in the clan family of his grandfather and maternal grandfather , and witnessed the injustices of the Clan dynasty. He was inspired by his father’s thoughts and determined to avenge his father's death.


After Tao Zhe was assassinated, Tao Yu gathered a group of gangsters and like-minded individuals to form a secret society. They called themselves the "Sons of Tao Zhe," and they vowed to overthrow the Clan dynasty and create a more just and equitable society.


The Sons of Tao Zhe began by carrying out small acts of sabotage and resistance. They raided Clan caravans, burned down their warehouses, and rescued prisoners from their dungeons. As their numbers grew and their tactics became more sophisticated, they began to mount larger and more daring attacks.


The Clan families were initially dismissive of the Sons of Tao Zhe, but as the group's attacks became more successful, they began to take them seriously. The Clan leaders offered a bounty for Tao Yu's head, but he was always one step ahead of their pursuers.


The Clan families were now terrified of Tao Yu and his Sons of Tao Zhe. They realized that the dynasty was in danger of collapsing, and they scrambled to mount a counterattack.


The Clan armies gathered and marched to meet Tao Yu's forces in a decisive battle. The two armies clashed on a vast plain, and the battle raged for days. In the end, Tao Yu and his men all died in the battle. No one survive, they became “ghosts”.


Xiao Yue Shan


Xiao Yue Shan was a brilliant young man with a passion for mechanics. He was a student of Taozhe's, and he had helped his teacher to develop agriculture tools to help farmers.


Xiao Yue Shan knew that Taozhe's works were important, and he was determined to protect them from the Clan families. He gathered a group of loyal followers and built a secret hideout in the mountains.


Xiao Yue Shan used his knowledge of mechanics to build a variety of traps and defenses for the hideout. He also developed a series of ingenious machines to protect Taozhe's works and data.


The Clan families were desperate to get their hands on Taozhe's works, and they sent several raiding parties to the hideout. However, Xiao Yue Shan and his followers were always one step ahead of them. They repelled every attack, and Taozhe's works remained safe.


They hid in a city called Baidi Cheng, and used ancient works of Zhuge Liang(武侯八阵) to mislead the Clan army.


Sun Ling


Sun Ling was Taozhe's foster daughter. She was a bright and intelligent young woman, and she had learned a great deal about math and economics from her foster father.


After Tao Zhe's assassination, Sun Ling was taken in by a Clan family in Suzhou. The families in South was discriminated by Northern Empire and Western aristocracy , so they protected Sun Ling from the other Clan families.


Sun Ling continued to study Taozhe's works, and she eventually became one of the leading experts on his economic theories. She used her knowledge to help the Southern Clan families to improve their businesses and to make their cities more prosperous.


Sun Ling also taught Taozhe's theories to others, and she helped to spread his ideas throughout South China and East-south Asia (南洋、交州).

As a result of her efforts, Taozhe's economic theories became widely accepted in south east Asia, and they played a major role in the development of the Asia economy.


Love between Tao Yu and Sun Ling


Sun Ling and Tao Yu were two of the brightest students at Tao Zhe's Old-style private school on accounting. They were both passionate about learning, and they quickly bonded over their shared interests.


Sun Ling was attracted to Tao Yu at first sight. She was drawn to Tao Yu's intelligence, his passion, and his idealism.


Tao Yu and Sun Ling could have become a good couple. They were both intelligent, passionate, and committed to social justice.


However, Tao Zhe's death and Tao Yu subsequent decision to join the Sons of Tao Zhe created a barrier between them. Tao Yu knew that his life was dangerous, and he didn't want to put Sun Ling at risk. He also knew that she would not approve of all his methods to revenge his father’s death.


So, when Sun Ling proposed to him, he refused. He knew that it would be unfair to ask her to join him in his dangerous life. He also knew that she would be better off without him.


It was a difficult decision for Tao Yu, but he was only 18 when his father died. He is not firm to ask another teenager to join in this revenge.




Love at First Sight in a Public House


Sun Ling fall in love at first sight to Tao Yu in a public house.  She was sitting in the corner of the public house, nursing a cup of tea and trying to ignore the noise and commotion around her.

Across the room, she noticed a young man sitting by himself. He was dressed in simple clothes, but he had an air of confidence and intelligence about him.

He was also very handsome, with dark hair and piercing black eyes.


She watched him for a while, and she saw the way he interacted with the other patrons. He was polite and respectful, but he also had a strong sense of justice. He stood up for what he believed in, even when it meant challenging those in authority, he confronted an officer to help a mother and her daughter.


She didn't speak to him that day, but she didn’t forget him. And she wondered if she would ever see him again.


A few days later, Sun Ling was walking through the market when she saw him again. He was talking to a group of farmers, and he was defending them from two powerful gentries who were trying to bully them.


Tao Su is good at martial arts and beats the gentries very easily. So, the gentries gave up and walked away. The farmers thanked Tao Yu for his help, and Sun Ling couldn't help but smile.


She knew that she had found the man of her dreams. He was intelligent, courageous, and just.


On the other day, she heard other students in the old private school talking about Tao Zhe’s Son and found the young man she met was her foster brother.


Sun Ling's love for Tao Yu was unspoken, but it was clear to him that she held him dear in her heart. He saw the way she looked at him, the way she always volunteered to help him, and the way she hung on his every word.


Tao Yu also liked Sun Ling. He admired her intelligence, her compassion, and her courage. He could imagine a life with her, fighting together for a more just and equitable society.


However, when he decided to join the Sons of Tao Zhe, he knew that he was putting his life in danger. He also knew that his involvement in the rebellion would make it difficult for him to have a normal life.


For these reasons, Tao Yu decided not to tell Sun Ling how he felt about her. He didn't want to put her in danger, and he didn't want to give her false hope.


Even though Tao Yu and Sun Ling never expressed their love for each other openly, their love was real and deep. It was a love that was forged in the fires of adversity, and it was a love that would last a lifetime.


Tao Yu was worried about getting Sun Ling involved in his dangerous life. He didn't want to put her at risk, and he didn't want to give her false hope.


Sun Ling, on the other hand, was worried about Tao Yu's safety. She knew that he was putting himself in danger, and she wanted to be there to protect him.


However, they both made the mistake of thinking that they could protect the other one by keeping them at a distance. They didn't realize that their love could have given them strength and courage to face the challenges together.


If they had been more open and honest with each other, they might have been able to overcome the obstacles in their way and build a life together. But unfortunately, they were too young and soft hearted so their love remained unspoken.


Struggle after depart


In the last fight between Tao Zhe's sons and the clan families. Tao Yu was sentenced death. However he didn’t really die, he continued to fight as ghost in 酆都(the nether world).

Tao Yu asked Xiao Yueshan tell Sun Ling and the whole clan families that he was dead and  continue his fight against them in secret.


As a “ghost” , he used his father's economic skills to build a paradise in the nether world.  People in 酆都 call themselves ghost, but they are not actually ghost, they are prisoners or crimes who escaped from the government.


They build a thriving community in the nether world, without the deprive and violence from the Northern Empire and Clan families.


The nether world was not a place of punishment, but rather a place of transition and the family of low class people who were called crimes by the Empire.


Hear, people from all walks of life came together, regardless of their social status or wealth. He decided to use his father's economic skills to build a new world in 酆都.


Tao Yu began by teaching the crimes in the nether world about economics and finance. He showed them how to produce and distribute goods and services efficiently. He also taught them how to save and invest their money.


At first, these low-educated people could not understand Tao Yu's ideas. They had never thought about economics before, and they didn't believe that it was possible to create a better world in the nether world.


However, Tao Yu was persistent. He continued to teach and mentor the people, and he eventually won them over. They began to see the potential of his ideas, and they started to work together to build a better future.


Over time, Tao Yu's paradise began to take shape. The souls in the nether world-built farms, factories, and schools. They created a system of government that was fair and just. They also created a culture of cooperation and mutual respect.

Another Struggle

Sun Ling was an intelligent and courageous girl. She knew that Tao Yu was still alive, even though she had been told that he was dead. She also knew that he had a good reason for not wanting to see her face to face.


Sun Ling decided to continue the struggle in her own way. She began to speak out against the Clan Dynasty and their corruption. She revealed the truth about their economic exploitation of the people in open speech and free argument.


Sun Ling's speeches were met with great enthusiasm by the people. But there are also low-class people how don’t understand Sun Ling’s struggle and she is fighting for their rights.

They think they live in an affordable life lead by the Clans and doesn’t know their profits were take away by economic policies by the Empire.


The Clan Families were furious with Sun Ling for speaking out against them and reveal the fact of their deprive through economic analysis. They declared her a wanted criminal and offered a reward for her capture.

However, Sun Ling was not afraid. She knew that she was fighting for a just and right cause, and she was willing to sacrifice everything for Tao Zhe’s theories and spread the truth to the public.


Lu Kai and Sun Ai

Sun Ling's capture by the guards was a major setback for the rebellion. The Clan Families were determined to make an example of her, and they sentenced her to public execution.


However, Lu Kai, a member of the Lu family, had taken a liking to Sun Ling. On the day of Sun Ling's execution, Lu Kai disguised himself as a guard and infiltrated the execution grounds. He found Sun Ling in her cell and helped her to escape.


Sun Ling was grateful to Lu Kai for saving her life. She knew that she was in debt to him, and she promised to repay him one day.


Lu Kai was the leader of the Lu family, one of the four most powerful families in Southern China during the Eastern Jin dynasty. He was also the agent of the four families, which meant that he was responsible for coordinating their activities and representing their interests.


However, the southern families were discriminated by the Northen Empire, so Sun Ling used the time in hiding to write about Tao Yu's economic theories and his ideas about social justice and equality to improve the wealth and military of the 4 powerful Southern Families.  



Sun Ling is very like Sun Ai, Lu Kai’s ex-girlfriend. Sun Ai, the descendant of Sun Quan, was thought of as a barbarian by the gentry of the Eastern Jin dynasty. This was because the Sun family was originally from the south of China, which was seen as a less civilized region by the gentry, who were from the north.


The Sun family had also come to power through military means, which was also seen as barbaric by the gentry. The gentry believed that power should be gained through scholarship and civil service, not through military conquest.


Despite the gentry's disdain for the Sun family, Sun Ai was a popular and respected figure among the people of Southern China. Sun Ai was also a skilled poet and scholar. Growing up in Fu Chun, the beautiful village where 富春山居图 was drawn, she’s also interest in art and literature. She wrote extensively about the history and culture of Southern China, and he helped to promote the region's culture and traditions.


In many ways, Sun Ling and Sun Ai can be seen as two sides of the same coin. They are both intelligent, courageous, and descendants of Sun Wu. They also both have a gift for economic strategy and military tactics.


Meeting Sun Ling reminds Lu Kai of Sun Ai, so he protected as an complement to his beloved women.



Lu Kai was a brilliant strategist and a skilled negotiator. He was also a master of diplomacy and intrigue. He used his skills to help the four families to maintain their power and influence in Southern China.


Lu Kai was a loyal and devoted servant to the four families. He put their interests above his own and always worked to further their causes. He was also a wise and compassionate leader. He cared for the well-being of his people and always strived to make their lives better.



Sun Ai and Lu Kai were attracted by each other. However when Sun Ai and her family was discriminated by the Northern gentry, Lu didn’t support her because he has to stand for the profit of the four families. He cannot confront the Northern Empire in public.

They quarreled and break up. But as patriarch of their family, they cannot compromise for love.


Sun Ai was really hurt in this argument, so she went to 交州, a remote province in Southern China, where she started her exploration of 南洋(Southeast Asia) through economic and trade.


Sun Ai find the rich natural resources and its growing importance as a trade hub of Southeast Asia.

Sun Ai quickly identified a number of potential trade opportunities between Southeast Asia and China. She saw a demand for Chinese products such as silk, porcelain, and tea in. She  asked young talents in the Sun Family to join her in this global trade.



Sun Ai also saw an opportunity to introduce new technologies to Nanyang. The Sun’s family brought with her a number of skilled artisans and craftsmen who could teach the people of Nanyang new skills and technologies. She also helped to establish new trade routes between Nanyang and China.


They are alike, But they also had different strengths and weaknesses.


Sun Ling was a remote branch of the Sun family. She was wanted by the Northern clans because she tried to reveal the truth of their deprive and violence.


Sun Ling and Lu Kai met when Sun Ling was caught by the Empire. Lu Kai was in the team of guards. He talked to Sun Ling for curiosity and he quickly realized that she and Sun Ai had a lot in common. They were both passionate about justice and equality, and they both wanted to make the world a better place.


Sun Ling reminded Lu Kai of Sun Ai, the woman he had loved and lost. Before the northern lords came to take Sun Ling, Lu Kai released her, knowing that she might be a valuable asset to Jiang Dong.


Sun Ling was grateful for Lu Kai's help, and she wanted to repay him. She began to train with the soldiers of Jiang Dong, and she quickly became one of the most skilled swordswomen in the army.


Sun Ling and Lu Kai worked together to promote justice and equality in Jiang Dong. They helped to establish schools and hospitals for the poor and oppressed. They also worked to improve the lives of farmers and merchants. Sun Ling and Lu Kai also worked together to defend Jiang Dong from the Northern clans. They raised an army and trained the people to defend themselves.


Lu Kai knew that Sun Ling was different from Sun Ai, but he could not stop everyone from gossiping. The people of Jiang Dong were still grieving the loss of Sun Ai, and they were hesitant to accept Sun Ling as a replacement.


Lu Kai tried to explain to the people that Sun Ling was her own person, and that she should not be compared to Sun Ai. However, the people were not convinced. They continued to gossip about Lu Kai and Sun Ling, and they wondered if Lu Kai was ever truly over Sun Ai.


To South


Sun Ai was known for her beauty and elegance, while Sun Ling was ordinary appearance and rude demeanor. However, Sun Ling was also a skilled swordsman and strategist. She studied hard on兵法 (military strategy) and武术 (martial arts) in order to fight against the enemies of Jiang Dong. And she used her economic theories to improve the wealth of Jiang Dong through better delegation.


Sun Ling and Sun Ai are both the posterity of Sun Wu, the famous Chinese military strategist and author of "The Art of War". However, Sun Ai was born in Fu Chun, where the main branch of the Sun family lived, while Sun Ling was a remote branch and an orphan. Sun Ling learned martial arts from low-class workers, which is why she is not as skilled as Sun Ai.


Despite her lack of formal training, Sun Ling is still a skilled and formidable warrior. She is also a brilliant strategist, and she has a deep understanding of Sun Wu's military teachings.


Sun Ai was born into a wealthy and privileged family. She had access to the best teachers and training facilities. She was also able to learn from her ancestors' military knowledge.


Sun Ling, on the other hand, was born into poverty and hardship. She did not have access to the same resources as Sun Ai. She had to learn martial arts from low-class workers, who did not have the same level of skill and experience as the teachers at the Sun family's training facilities.



Sun Ling's lack of formal education made it difficult for her to learn at first. However, she was determined to learn everything she could about military strategy and economics. She studied Sun Wu's "The Art of War" and other military texts. Tao Zhe’s education of finance and accounting also helped she to analysis military in mathematics. She also learned about trade and economics from the merchants in Su Zhou.

She realized that economic plays an important role in military and used this in brilliant strategist. She also developed a deep understanding of the true life of the low class and the exploitation of the northern empire.

[此贴子已经被作者于2023-11-13 22:57:03编辑过]

  9楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 22:56:39 [只看该作者]


  10楼 二褂初级  181帖  2021/6/7 17:34:12 注册|搜索|短信|好友|勋章|藏票|洗衣||我的勋章

:云鹰飞将 点击进入抢亲页面 今日帖数:今日0 帖 点击参与风云风云0-0 届 花随风 不闹呢 得意了 32杀沙洲变 开心对白
  发帖心情 Post By:2023/11/13 22:57:52 [只看该作者]

以下是引用清铄在2023-11-13 20:57:48的发言:

灵动就是,原本错误的代码,出现在了错误的位置上,却能够被人理解。 比如:你美得就像一朵盛开的山茶花,她美得像夜空中那一抹新月。所以,我白天爱着你,夜里却想着她。 这类不知所云的句子,AI就写不出这样的句子。AI现阶段应该还处于力求精确表达的阶段。


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